Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Resources
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Resources
MnPALS libraries use Alma interlibrary loan to exchange requests. MnPALS libraries with USPS/UPS delivery request and fill requests for Minitex. Minitex requests from other libraries for USPS/UPS libraries and will request from USPS/UPS libraries. MnPALS libraries with Minitex Courier delivery may fill requests directly with other courier delivery libraries and send requests to Minitex. Minitex fills requests as MNU University of Minnesota Twin Cities and MII Minitex.
Borrowing Requests Your patron's requests with other libraries
Requests for returnables (books, dvds)
Return a borrowing request- Patron has brought the item back to your library how to update to send the item back to the lending library
Requests for copies (articles, book chapters)
Ready to be Sent-Article or returnable borrowing request with a status of Ready to be sent may be available or owned by your library. The request is not at the lending library.
Lending Requests Requests from other libraries for items or articles at your library
Requests for returnables (books, dvds)
Ship a Returnable Request- Update a request to show borrowing library item is on its way and to show it is not available at your library
Requests for copies (articles, book chapters)
Borrowing and Lending Requests
Workflow for Borrowing and Lending Requests
Minitex Courtesy Return form- For libraries with Minitex Courier delivery this form can be used to send items back to other libraries with Minitex Courier delivery
- ILL Community of Interest (Support Center login required)- The Interlibrary Loan Community of Interest holds meetings to discuss ILL issues. Recordings of the sessions are available on this page.
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MnPALS Interlibrary Loan Policy Revised in 2024
The MnPALS Interlibrary Loan Policy was revised and approved in 2024. This is a link to the policy 2024-10-08 Policy and Procedure Statement on Interlibrary Loan by MnPALS Libraries (1)
ILL Renew Borrowing and Lending Policy
Introduction When a borrowing request has been loaned to the patron, the patron may be allowed to request a renewal. The borrowing library controls if the patron has the option to renew an ILL request and can set a maximum renewal period. The lending ...
Borrowing Return an ILL request
Borrowing Library Return an item After a patron brings back their interlibrary loan back to the library, staff will need to Return the item to the lending library. Item Loaned to the patron When the patron brings the item back, staff can use ...
Minitex ILL Policy Database
The Minitex has an ILL Policy Database that allows libraries to share information about their collections, policies and contact information, The database can be found here ILL Policy Database | Minitex ( If you need assistance adding or ...
Finding an item's loan history
From the Item: To view an item's loan history: Locate the physical item using the physical item search Click on the hyperlinked barcode or Select the Edit item button to go to the physical item editor Select the history tab Update the report type to ...