Facet Customization
Facets Overview
A facet is a category that groups like requests based on Partner, Status, Creation Date, Update Date and more categories. Borrowing and lending requests have similar facets. Facets can be customized for borrowing or lending requests. Facets can be customized by login.
It may be helpful to move the General Message and Notes from Partner facet so it can be easily seen.
Active Facet or Completed Facet
The Active Status facet allows staff to see Active requests. An Active request is a borrowing request that is on a patron's record or has been returned to a lending library. An Active lending request is a request from a borrowing library that needs to be supplied, rejected or completed.
Use the Activity Status Active to focus work on the requests that may need to be updated.
To view or search completed requests the Active status can be removed by clicking on the x
The Activity Status facet displays the Active and Completed facet.
Have Activity Status with Active status selected to show requests that are current or may need updating.
Facets Customization
The display of borrowing or lending facets can be changed. The order of the facets can be modified.
Click on Customize wheel
A Customization menu displays click on Facets Customization
A Facets Customization menu displays.
The facets display in the order on the Facets customization.
Click on the

icon before the facet and drag the facet to the new location in the list
I moved General Messages, Notes from Partner and Status so the facets will display higher in the Active Facet list.
Click on Apply to change the order.
The General Messages and Status display higher on the facet list. I don't have any requests with Labels or Notes from Partner so those facets don't display.