Ready to be Sent Request Status

Ready to be Sent

Borrowing Request Ready to be Sent

A borrowing request with the status of Ready to be Sent has not been sent to the lending library. When a request is at a lending library the request status is Request sent to Partner or Will Supply.

Ready to be sent status is used to indicate your library, the borrowing library, may have this book or article. A staff person should search for the title or article. If the title or article is not available at your library, click on Send. This will Send the request to the lending library.

The request with a Status of Ready to be sent.
Request status of Ready to be Sent

Click on More Actions (three dots) and select View local resources
More actions show update one option is View local resources

If it is an article then the journal or database will display. Staff must check to see if the article is available in the journal or database.
Journal or article database that may have the article

If the article or item is not available Send the request. 
Click on More Actions (three dots) and click on Send.
More actions select Send

The request status updates to Request sent to Partner.
Request is at the lending library status is Request sent to partner

A borrowing request with a status of Ready to be sent is not at the lending library. The request must be Sent to the lending library and the status will update to Request sent to partner or Will Supply

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