Borrowing Request Receive a Returnable-Item at your library
When an item has been delivered to your library the next step is to Receive the item. The Receive can be done from the specific request or using the bulk Receive form. Physical items like books or dvds will have an interlibrary loan status of Shipped Physically. When a Receive is done the borrowing request updates to Physically received by library. An item record is created. The item can be loaned to the patron. A Receive done by the borrowing library updates the request for the lending library to Received by Partner. These updating steps help to keep track of the item.
Receive an item from a request
When an item arrives at your library from a lending library, a Receive should be done. A Receive updates the borrowing request to Physically received by library. An item record is created, and this allows you to loan the item to the patron. The lending library will see an update on the request to Received by Partner.
To see borrowing requests
1.) Click on Fulfillment
2.) Under Resource Sharing click on Borrowing Requests.
Physical items, like books or dvds, will have a status of "Shipped Physically." The Facet of "Shipped Physically" can be used to narrow the requests to the items that have been sent by the lending library.
3.) Activity Status should be Active
4.) Under Status current borrowing requests are sorted into categories
5.) Check the box before the status Shipped Physically
6.) Click on Apply to select this status
Requests with a status of Shipped Physically will display. Find the request that matches the item you have.
7.) Click on "More Actions"
8.) From the dropdown menu click on "Receive."
The Receive form displays
Check the title and the External Identifier against the item you have.
9.) Received format if this is a physical/returnable item the format should be Physical.
10.) Temporary barcode field- scan the barcode on the item. Staff may enter in a dummy barcode such as the institution or delivery code and the request number. The barcode entered in this field will be used to loan the item to the patron.
"Automatically print slip" should be set to No.
11.) "Automatically notify patron" check this box to send an email notice to your patron. This notice is the hold shelf notice.
"Location" should default to the correct location.
"Due Date" should be the date given by the lending library. This should automatically be filled in.
The other fields in the form are not mandatory to complete.
12.) Click on "Go" in the upper right corner to Receive the item.
An information message will display Item received successfully.
After the request is Received, the status changes to the Received by library. To view this request or other requests, remove the Shipped Physically status.
11.) Remove the Shipped Physically status under Active Facets Status click on the x
The request status is Physically received by library. The item can be placed on a hold shelf.
When the patron picks up the item, it can be loaned to the patron using the item barcode used to Receive the item.
Receive a request use Fulfillment Receiving items
Fulfillment Receiving Items can be used to update a physical request to Physically Received by library. To use Fulfillment Receiving items you will use the lending/routing slip that was sent with the item and you will need a scanner that can scan the ILL request number.
1.) Click on Fulfillment
2.) Under Resource Sharing click on Receiving items
A pop-up box "Received Items" displays
3.) Select External Identifier
4.) Received format" select the correct format. "Physical" is used for a returnable item.
5.) Automatically notify patron select the checkbox to send an email notice to your patron.
6.) External Identifier scan the borrowing request scannable barcode from the lending/routing slip. This barcode is on the right side of the slip.
7.) Click on OK
A Receive Items form displays.
Make sure the title and External Identifier matches the item you have.
Due date should be the due date from the lending library.
8.) Temporary barcode- scan the barcode on the item. This is the barcode you will use to loan the item to the patron.
Automatically print slip should be no
Location should default to the correct location.
9.) Click on "Save" in the bottom right corner to Receive the item. Click on "Cancel" to not receive the item.
After receiving one item the Receive form is displayed ready for you to receive another item. The request that was received is displayed below the Received Items form ready to be placed on the hold shelf.
When you have completed receiving items.
10.) Click on Clear List to clear the display of Received items.
11.) Click on Cancel to stop receiving requests.
The request has a status of Physical Received by library.
The request may be loaned to the patron using the barcode that was entered/scanned into the Receive form.