Lending library Ship a Returnable Request
When a request is sent to a lending library, the lending locate process attempts to find a matching record. A returnable item is a book, dvd or other physical item that should be returned to your library by the borrowing library.
- When an available item is found, the request status updates to "Being Processed."
- When the lending locate does not match a record the request status updates to "Locate Failed" or "Created Lending Request." Library staff will have to do additional searching to determine if the title is owned and available at the library.
When the item has been retrieved from the shelves, library staff will use "Ship item physically" on the request. This will move the title into a temporary lending request location so it will show as unavailable. The action "Ship item physically" will update the borrowing and lending request status to "Shipped Physically."
A request can be updated to "Shipped" from a lending request or from Fulfillment>Resource Sharing>Shipping Items
Lending Request Status- Check "Being Processed," "Created lending request," "Locate failed" daily
Library staff should monitor the lending request statuses of "Being Processed," "Created lending request," and "Locate failed" for new lending requests.
Requests with a status of "Being Processed" will display on Fulfillment "Pick from Shelf" with a "Request/Process Type" "Ship Physically."
Print Slip- routing slip
The slip produced by "Print Slip" can be used to retrieve the item from the shelf. Also, the slip is used for a routing slip because it has the delivery code of the borrowing and lending library. The slip should be placed in the returnable item with the borrowing library code facing up.
1.) Active Facets - the Activity Status should be Active and the Status may be Being Processed, Locate Failed or Created Lending Request.
2.) Click on More Actions, the three dots, on a request
3.) From the dropdown menu click on Print Slip
If there are multiple requests in a status the box before the request may be checked and the option to print a group of slips displays.
1.) Active Facets - the Activity Status should be Active and the Status may be Being Processed, Locate Failed or Created Lending Request.
2.) Click on the box before the requests
3.) Click on Print Slip
Ship from individual request
After the slip has been printed and the item retrieved from the shelves, the request should be "Shipped"
1.) Display the request
2.) Click on More Actions (three dots)
3.) From the drop down menu click on Ship item physically
4.) A "Shipping Items" popup box displays.
5.) "Shipping format" for a returnable item should be "Physical." Returnable items are books, dvds or other items that should be come back to your library.
"Automatically print slip" if set to "Yes" a lending/routing slip will be generated.
6.) "Scan item barcode" field scan/enter the item barcode
7.) Click on "OK"
The due date can be written on the lending/routing slip. The slip should be folded vertically and placed in or with the item with the borrowing library delivery code showing. Libraries with courier delivery will place the item in the delivery tub. Libraries with USPS or UPS delivery will package the item for delivery.
The lending request status updates to "Shipped Physically." When the item has been delivered to the borrowing library, borrowing library staff will use "Receive."
Ship from Fulfillment>Resource Sharing>Shipping Items
Another option to update a request to "Shipped Physically" is "Shipping Items." After the item has been retrieved from the shelves, the request status can be updated from Fulfillment>Resource Sharing>Shipping Items
1.) Click on Fulfillment
2.) Under Resource Sharing click on Shipping items
3.) The "Shipping Items" form displays.
"Automatically print slip" - if Yes, the lending/routing slip will print
4.) "Shipping format"- select "Physical" this is a returnable item so the format must be physical
5.) "Scan item barcode"- scan or enter the item barcode
6.) Click on "OK"
The response shows the title and the borrowing library.
7.) Click on the < next to "Shipping Items" to close the shipping form.
The due date can be written on the lending/routing slip. The slip should be folded vertically and placed in or with the item with the borrowing library delivery code showing. Libraries with courier delivery will place the item in the delivery tub. Libraries with USPS or UPS delivery will package the item for delivery.