What is a rota
A rota is a list of potential libraries that are searched to determine if a title is owned and available at that library. A rota should take into account how the request will be delivered.
MnPALS libraries with courier delivery for physical items and that agree to exchange borrowing and lending requests with each other are direct borrowing libraries. They are listed on the Courier Returnable rota. Minitex as MNU University of Minnesota Twin Cities, MII Minitex, MCR Crookston University of Minnesota, MND Duluth University of Minnesota and MNX Morris University of Minnesota. The Courier Returnable rota was created in the network zone and then distributed to libraries.
Libraries that have USPS/UPS delivery for physical items use the MailReturnable rota. This rota has Minitex as MNU University of Minnesota Twin Cities and MII Minitex. The MailReturnable rota was created in the network zone and distributed to libraries.
Alma has digital delivery for digital article or ebook chapters. Alma digital delivery sends an email with a link to the article or ebook chapter to the patron. Libraries willing to supply articles or ebook chapters directly to other MnPALS libraries were added to the Direct Digital Article rota. Libraries may assign this rota for the digital and physical nonreturnable format.
MnPALS libraries that use Rapdio/RapidILL will have different rotas available to them.
A rota may be created based on the format of the request. Two typical formats are physical requests for example books or dvds and digital requests such as article or book chapter requests.
How is a rota assigned to a request?
Alma uses Rota Assignment rules. This rule is typically set up by request format, physical, digital or physical nonreturnable. The rule has the format and the rota (list of libraries) that should be searched for this type of request.
Libraries with USPS/UPS delivery have rota assignment rule for physical requests that uses the MailReturnable rota. Libraries with courier delivery can have rota assignment rule for physical requests that uses the Courier Returnable rota.
Libraries have a rota assignment rule for digital requests. The DigitalArticle rota has MNU, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and MII, Minitex as lending libraries. The Direct Digital Article rota has MNU, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MII, Minitex and MnPALS libraries that are willing to supply articles and ebook chapters.
How to view Rota assignment rule
Check the Rota Assignment Rule to see what rota your library is using for a request format. Rota Assignment Rules can be set up at the either the institution or library level. Typically, when an institution has one library, then the Rota Assignment rule is set at the institution level. An institution with multiple libraries may choose to have unique rota for each library.
1.) Click on Configuration
2.) Configuring at select either Insitition or library
3.) Click on Fulfillment
Alma configuration rota assignment location
4.) Find section Resource Sharing
5.) Click on Rota Assignment Rules
The rota assignment rules display.
6.) Click on More actions (three dots)
7.) Click on Edit to view the rule
8.) Note the format of the request.
9.) Note the rota template code in the Rota templates text box
10.) Exit Configuration
How to view rota used in Rota assignment rule
To view a rota you must be out of Alma configuration.
1.) Click on Fulfillment
2.) Find the section Resource Sharing
3.) Click on Rota Templates
4.) Search by code entering in the text from the Rota templates text box
Take note of the Scope. If the scope is Network the rota was created and distributed from the network. Under More Actions (three dots) there is an option to Duplicate or View the rota. There is no option to edit a network zone rota.
If View is selected, Template Members display click on the tab Template Members to see the libraries on the rota.
Duplicate will make a copy of the network rota. The rota will have an Institution scope. When a rota has an Institution scope, More Actions has an option to Edit, Reorder Members or Remove the rota. A rota with an Institution scope is not updated when a network scope rota is updated. If libraries are added or removed from the network zone rota, a library with an Institution scope rota must make the changes to the their Institution scope rota.
Duplicate a network zone to customize a rota
An institution or library may choose to Edit or Reorder a network zone rota. A library may want to Reorder a rota because a library may be geographically closer, have a fast fill rate or longer loan periods.
1.) Find the network rota that you want to make changes to
2.) Click on More Actions
3.) Click on Duplicate
The duplicated rota will display below the network rota. The scope is Institution. Under More actions (three dots), the Institution rota has options to Edit, Reorder Members or Remove the rota.
Edit the name and code of the Institution rota
The name and code of the duplicated rota will have the same name and code as the network zone. Change the Code and Name on the Institution scope so it will be easier to assign this rota.
For the Institution scope rota
1.) Click on More actions
2.) Click on Edit
On the General Information tab
3.) Change the code. Add your library's name or delivery code.
4.) Change the name. Add your library's name or delivery code.
5.) Click on Template Members tab

Reorder Members
From the Template Members tab use the arrows to move lending libraries on the rota
6.) Use the up or down arrows to move lending libraries on the list
7.) Click on Save
Existing Institution Rota- Edit to Add lending library, Reorder
If a library uses a rota with an Institution scope, if there are changes to the Network zone rota that the library would like to use, the library must Edit the institution rota. A library can Reorder an Institution scope rota.
Add a lending library to an Institution scope rota
1.) Display the Institution rota that should be updated
2.) Click on More actions (three dots)
3.) Click on Reorder Members
To add a library to the rota
4.) Click on Add Partners
5.) Click on Select from list
6.) Search for library by delivery code or library name
7.) Check the box next to the library to add to the rota
8.) Click on Select
9.) Leave the Place At/Before to First
10.) Click on Add Partners
11.) Move the library to the correct position on the rota by using the arrows
12.) Or use the Place At/Before
13.) Click on Save
Assign an institutionrota
To use the institution rota, follow the steps in How to View Rota Assignment rules.
For the rule that you want to use the institution rota
1.) Click on More Actions
2.) Click on Edit
3.) Check that the rule selected is for the format you would like to change
4.) Click on Select from a list to choose the rota
5.) Search by code for the institution rota
6.) Check the box in front of the rota
7.) Click on Select
8.) The institution rota your library created should display in Rota Templates
9.) Click on Save
Assign a digital rota
1.) Click on Configuration
2.) Click on Fulfillment
3.) Configuring is at the Institution level
4.) Under Resource Sharing click on Rota Assignment Rules
The Rota Assignment Rules display
Determine which rule is used for Digital format requests such as article or ebook chapters.
5.) Click on More Actions (three dots)
6.) From the drop down list click on Edit
7.) Review the format. Article, book chapter or ebook chapter requests have a Requested format of Digital or Physical Nonreturnable.
8.) Click on Select from a List
9.) Select the Direct Digital Article Rota by clicking on the box before this rota.
10.) Click on Select
11.) The selected rota will display in Rota Templates
12.) Click on Save