Lending "Print Slip" lending Routing slip

Lending "Print Slip" lending Routing slip

Lending Routing Slip

The lending slip can be used to retrieve a physical item from the shelves and for delivery. To help with delivery the borrowing and lending libraries delivery location code is on the slip. When putting the item in the delivery tubs or mailing the items,  the destination delivery code displays.  For example as the lending library, after the Ship has been done fold the slip vertically and place or attach the slip so the borrowing library delivery code shows. As the borrowing library, when the item is being sent back to the lending library, place the slip so the lending library delivery code displays.

The "Ful Incoming Slip Letter" was customized as the lending routing slip. This letter must be enabled.

Quick Print

Enable "Quick Print" to print slips. 
From the top menu bar select your library location. This will not be the resource sharing library. It is typically the main circ desk location.
Click on the down arrow to expand the menu
Click on "Enable quick printing."
Quick print enable locatio

A lending slip can be printed from an individiual request or from the menu bar. Slips are typically printed for requests with a status of "Being Processed", "Locate Failed",  or "Will Supply." 

Select the Status for example, "Being Processed."
Select a status to print slips

Print a slip by displaying a request
Location of Print Slip under  More Actions
Click on "More action" (three dots)
Click on "Print Slip"

The slip displays and can be printed.
Lending slip

The slip can be used to retrieve the item from the shelf. The lending slip should be placed on or with the item with the borrowing library code facing up. 
The due date of the item can be written on the slip.
Print multiple slips by checking the box in front of the requests.
Then click on "Print Slip" from the menu.  This "Print Slip" will display when a request(s) are selected.
Select request and print slip option displays

Multiple slips will print.

Lending slips

The slip can be used to retrieve the item from the shelf. The lending slip should be placed on or with the item with the borrowing library code facing up. 
The due date of the item can be written on the slip.

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