Lending Reject (Unfill) a request

Lending Reject (Unfill) a request

Lending Reject a Request

When a lending library can't supply an item or copy request to a borrowing library, the lending library staff will "Reject" the request.

How to Reject a request

Display the lending request that you can't supply.

Lending request with More actions showing Reject

Click on "More Actions" ellipse
From the dropdown list select "Reject."

A "Reject Request" form displays
Reject Request form

Reject Reason form select a Reject reason

Provide a "Reject reason"
     Click on the down arrow next to "Choose Reject Reason"
Select a reason why the request can't be filled.

"Internal note"- do not need to add a note
"Note to partner" - do not need to add a note to the borrowing library. The borrowing library staff will see the "Reject reason."
Click on "Reject" to process the reject.  Click on "Cancel" to not process the reject.

The lending request "Activity Status" updates to "Completed." The lending request status updates to "Rejected the borrower request."

Completed lending request with status of Rejected the borrower request

There is no additional updating for the lending request.

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