Lending Library Renew Yes or Renew No Returnable Request

Lending Library Renew Yes or Renew No Returnable Request


A patron or borrowing library staff can request a renewal on a lending request. The lending library staff decide if the renewal is accepted by doing a Renew Yes with a new due date or if the renewal request is denied by doing a Renew No. When a lending library does a Renew Yes, the due date of the request is updated for the lending library, borrowing library and patron. When a lending library does a Renew No, the due date does not change. The borrowing library and patron see the request status of Renew Rejected.

Lending library Find Renewal Requests

Renewal requests from a borrowing library or patron are in the Renew Requested facet. To see this facet you may need to expand the list of facets by clicking on More.

Click on Renew Requested Status Facet

In the screen capture below, lending requests with an Activity Status of Active are displayed. Under Status, More was clicked on to show all active request facets. The status Renew Requested displays and can be selected by clicking on the box in front of the status.
Lending requests show all active request statuses

After selecting the facet Renew requested, only the Active lending requests with renewal requests display in the main panel. The request status is Renew requested. The current due date displays in the Due date field.

Edit- Show details of request

Click on Edit to view more details

Click on the History tab to see if the request was renewed before
Tabs on a lending request display

The History tab shows all of the activity on a request, including an renewal requests.
History or audit tab displays request updates

Renew Yes- allow patron to keep item update the due date

If your library is willing to allow the patron to keep the item for a longer time period, you will do a Renew. 

1.) Click on the Renew Requested Status to show renewal requests.
2.) Click on More Actions (three dots)
3.) From the dropdown menu click on Renew

More actions menu list with Renew update

A pop-up Renew box displays
4.) Accept renewal request- click in Yes
5.) Due date- The suggested due date can be used, or the due date can be changed to a longer or shorter due date.
Text does not need to be entered into the Internal note and Note to partner fields.
6.) Click on Renew to update the request

7.) An informational message displays that the due date was updated
8.) The request status changed to Received by partner
9.) The due date changes to the date given in the renew.

Renewed request shows updated due date and status

For the borrowing library the request status changes to Renewed by partner.
When the patron views their loans, they will see the new due date.

Renew No- do not extend due date

If your library cannot renew the item, do a Renew and select No.

1.) Click on the Renew Requested Status to show renewal requests.
2.) Click on More Actions (three dots)
3.) From the dropdown menu click on Renew

Renew update action

A pop-up Renew box displays.
4.) Accept renewal request- Click on No
Due date field- do not change the date since your library is rejecting the renewal
Internal Note- do not need to add a note
Note to Partner- do not need to add a note
5.) Click on Renew
Renew with accept renewal request No

An informational message Sent reject renew message successfully will display.
Message that renewal response was sent

The lending request status will change to Received by partner.
Lending request status is Received by partner

For the borrowing library the request status changes to Rejected by partner.

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