PALS Support Center | Knowledge Base

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Some articles require you to log in to the PALS Support Center (for example, for links to meetings/recordings and the sandbox passwords.)
    • Knowledge Base

    • Acquisitions/Serials

      Documentation related to acquisitions and serials functionality in Alma
    • Analytics

      Documentation related to Alma and Primo Analytics and other data-related topics
    • Circulation and ILL

      Documentation related to circulation, users, letters, and other fulfillment functionality in Alma
    • Discovery

      Documentation related to OpenURL, discovery, LibKey, Report a Broken Link, and display functionality in Primo VE and other discovery systems
    • Electronic Resource Management

      Documentation related to electronic records, CDI, and linking
    • Resource Management

      Documentation related to cataloging, resource management, and Network Zone
    • Proxy Services

      Documentation related to EZproxy use and management
    • General

      Find articles related to topics not addressed in the other categories
    • User Management

      Documentation related to Alma user roles, user loads, and authentication
    • Islandora

      Documentation and helpful information about Islandora.
    • Educational Development and Technology

    Key Resources & Bookings

    See the Key Resources & Bookings page for documentation or to Book a Session with PALS Support!

      • Recent Articles

      • Email for Ship item digitally not being sent to patron

        Introduction A lending library can use Ship Item digitally to send a link to an article to a borrowing library patron. The borrowing library notice FulDigitizationDocumentDelivery is sent to the patron so the patron can access the article. Library ...
      • Rota and Rota Assignment Rule

        What is a rota A rota is a list of potential libraries that are searched to determine if a title is owned and available at that library. A rota should take into account how the request will be delivered. MnPALS libraries with courier delivery for ...
      • Alma Analytics - Getting Started

        The Basics from Ex Libris Intro video From the Knowledge Center Out of the Box Reports In Presentations and Documents Roadmap Analytics Basics from PALS Primo VE Analytics for Functional Areas Sharing Reports Some Intermediate Topics IPEDS Become an ...
      • Minitex ILL Policy Database

        The Minitex has an ILL Policy Database that allows libraries to share information about their collections, policies and contact information, The database can be found here ILL Policy Database | Minitex ( If you need assistance adding or ...
      • ILL Renew Borrowing and Lending Policy

        Introduction When a borrowing request has been loaned to the patron, the patron may be allowed to request a renewal. The borrowing library controls if the patron has the option to renew an ILL request and can set a maximum renewal period. The lending ...

      Quick Links

      We have several communities of interest and policy groups that are active in both the Discussion area and the Knowledge Base.

      Communities of Interest:
      Policy Groups:
      Are you new to MnPALS? – Check out some suggested first steps