Updating Records using Sets and Batch Jobs

Updating Records using Sets and Batch Jobs

Please see “Create Set” documentation for creating a set of records to perform batch changes.
The selection of jobs displayed depends on user roles.  From the Admin menu -> Run a Job. See the list of jobs available to you. Search for jobs by entering search terms into the description box. 

Resource Management Jobs

Withdraw Physical Items Job

Create a set of items to withdraw. The job removes items and/or holdings records. The job can delete bibliographic records, suppress holdings and delete holdings, as well as, suppress bibliographic records.  
Choose “Delete holdings; delete bibliographic records that have no other holdings,” the action deletes the bibliographic record unless there are other inventory pieces attached to the bibliographic records. 
It is possible to exclude records from the deletion process that have active requests, non-active requests, or work orders.    
Note, if a bibliographic has an open order attached, the record will not delete, the order records need to be closed for the record to delete from Alma. 

Delete Bibliographic Records Job

Note it is not possible to run the “Delete Bibliographic Records” job on a set of physical items. 
Select the option “Do not delete if related to other records,” it ensures that if a bib record is part of a related bibliographic record, the bibliographic record does not delete from Alma. Choosing “Delete all associated inventory resources” will delete all associated records, inventory, and requests. Note “Delete Bibliographic Records” job will not delete bibliographic records if there are associated PO lines. 

Use to unlink a set of records from the Network Zone. 

Suppress Bib records from discovery

Use to suppress or un-suppress bibliographic records from discovery. 

After importing bibliographic records to the IZ, use the job to link bibliographic records to the Network Zone. Use the job with the workflow overlaying brief acquisition records with full bibliographic records in the Institution Zone. Select the following options: Serial Match Method and Non-Serial Match Method, need to be set to Unique OCLC Identifier Match Method, click Contribute IZ records. 

Delete holding records with no items

Deletes holding records without items, the job uses either library or location as a selection criterion. Please choose the delete bibliographic records option “How to handle bibliographic records.” If other libraries have inventory attached, the bibliographic record will only delete from the IZ, not the NZ. 

Create physical item move requests

Use to move holdings/items from one library/location to another. Be aware, after running the job, each item requires a check-in scan at the appropriate desk. 

Change physical items

Ability to change the library or the location without a scan. Additionally, use the change physical item job to update any other item information. 

Change holding information

Updates call numbers from the bibliographic records in batch, can also change holdings data via a normalization rule or suppress holdings from publishing. Note, use Change physical items job to change location. 

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