Update Item Notes

Update Item Notes

Adding contents to note fields in Alma using an Alma set and the Change Physical Item job.

Create Set 

Conduct a physical title or physical item search in Alma to retrieve records  
Click on Save Query 
Enter a Set Name, Description, and Note 
Click on Save 


Itemizing a Set 

It is advisable to itemize the set. Itemizing ensures that the records in the set remain static, i.e., Alma does not update the set based on the search parameters.
Retrieve the set via Admin -> Manage Jobs and Sets -> Manage Sets -> Find the set in the list -> from the action menu choose to itemize.  
Once Alma processes the job to itemize, return to Manage Sets to see the set now indicates –itemized – title of the set.

Running the Job (Change Physical Items) 

From the Admin menu -> Run a job, retrieve and select the Change Physical Items job, next select the itemized set. 
In the job form, scroll down to the note area, making sure to select the box along the left side. Enter the desired text into the note field. 
Under the condition drop-down, choose unconditionally if all note fields in records should be updated with the note.
Click next and submit. 

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