SpineOMatic is used to print spine labels from Alma utilizing the item’s barcode. Compatible SpineOMatic printers are Zebra, DYMO, and Smart Label Printers.
Downloading SpineOMatic
Contact PALS via the Support Center for your printing API Key.
Create a folder on your desktop for downloading the software.
download, the SpineOMatic software.
Click on SpineLabeler.exe.
Choose “Save File” in the dialog box, the application downloads to the download folder on the PC, move SpineLabeler to the printing folder created in step 1.
Choose “I agree” from the License Agreement screen, from the getting started dialog box choose OK.
Configuring SpineOMatic
From the Spine Label box, click on the purple arrow to enter configuration settings.
Click on the Alma Access tab, choose the “Use RESTful API” radio button.
Method = leave as is
API Key = copy API Key provided to you by PALS. Open a support center ticket for the API Key.
Click Save
Printer Configuration
Click over to Print Setup tab, enter Printer address, desired text font, barcode font, and margins.
From the Call Number Format tab, determine call number type and desired call number parsing.
Printing spine labels
In Alma, create the holding and item record.
Open SpineOMatic, scan in the item’s barcode, and click “Send to a desktop printer.”