Scan'n'Toss Instructions

Scan'n'Toss Instructions

The Scan'n'Toss API, developed by Simon Mai in the PALS office. The API uses the Book-be-Gone API from Jeremy Hobbs as a starting point. Scan'n'Toss itself does not make any changes to Alma or OCLC. The API performs several checks on items to be withdrawn and adds the barcode to a Set in Alma. Use the Set to run the Withdraw Items job. In addition, the API also creates a .txt document, using the text file for deleting holdings and it from WorldCat. 
The API works via a widget in Alma. Use the widget to scan in the item barcode to be withdrawn.   
Open a PALS Support Center ticket to enable the Scan'n'Toss API.

How it works

Item Checks in Alma 

Item is in place -> Item barcode moves to the Item Withdrawal Set in Alma. If it is the last holding/item associated with the bibliographic record, the OCLC number moves to the .txt document, listing the OCLC number. 
Item is not in place -> the API will not pass the item barcode to the Item Withdrawal Set nor to the .txt document OCLC number list.
Item is marked committed to retain is yes, the item does not pass the check. 
The API performs an item check to ensure that the PO Line is closed, the item moves to the item withdraw set and OCLC list (if last item).   

OCLC number formatting 

There is no need to format the OCLC number. The number will be formated *1231, ready to use in the Batch delete functionality in OCLC; the API does it for you. An OCLC number with prefixes (OCoLC), ocn, ocm, or on will translate to * followed by the OCLC number from the 035 subfield a. 

Using the Scan'n'Toss Widget

Adding the widget to your home screen 

Click on the plus sign on the Alma home screen and select the Scan N Toss widget. 

Create a set

       Admin -> Manage Sets -> Add Set -> choose Itemized. 
       Enter a Set name, for example, Scan'n'Toss. The Set Content type needs to be Physical Items, next click Save. 
       The Scan'n'toss API requires the Set ID. To obtain the set ID, retrieve the Set from Admin -> Manage Sets. From the ellipses, choose edit, copy the Set ID. 

On the home screen, navigate to the Scan'n'Toss widget. Paste the Set ID into the blue bar, and click submit. Scan'n'Toss is now ready to use for the withdrawal process. 

Scanning Items

From the Alma main screen, scan the item barcode into the Scan'n'Toss widget, the API performs the checks mentioned above; if all checks pass, the barcode moves to the Scan'n'toss withdraw item set. However, if a check does not pass, you will see a red Checking Failed! notice within the widget. If there is a failure notice, the item did NOT move to the item withdrawal list. You will need to retrieve the item to see why it failed and fix the problem. If the last item is withdrawn from the bibliographic record, the OCLC number will move to the OCLC log file. 

Using the "Scan'n'Toss withdraw list 

Navigate to the Scan'n'Toss Set in Alma.
      Admin -> Manage Jobs and Sets -> Manage Sets -> Scan'n'Toss Set -> from the action menu choose members, review list to ensure correct titles/items are on the list. 
Run the item withdraw job.
       Admin -> Manage Jobs and Sets -> Run a Job -> choose the Withdraw Items job. 
To delete the bibliographic record and associated inventory, choose the "Delete holdings; delete bibliographic records with no other holdings" option. 

Using the OCLC log file (only available for Connexion Client users) 

You can Download, View, or Reset the file from within the widget. Click on View to review the file. Click on Download and open the file with Notepad and save the file. 
Open Connexion  
From the Batch, menu choose Holdings by OCLC Number. 
Click on browse and navigate to the Notepad file. Select the file and click open. 
Select Import. 
Answer No to the pop-up window question, "Do you want to delete your original import file"? You will need to remember to delete the file once the OCLC process is completed. 
Choose the radio button for Delete Holdings and click OK. 
OCLC will now delete your holdings. 

For CatExpress users, download the .txt to enter OCLC numbers manually to delete your holdings from OCLC. 

Last Steps 

Delete the .txt file with the OCLC numbers. 
In the Scan'n'Toss widget, choose Reset for the OCLC log file. 
In Alma, navigate to the Scan'n'Toss Withdraw Set, Admin -> Manage Jobs and Sets -> Manage Sets. 
Choose results or members from the Action menu; the Set should not retrieve any records since the Set was used earlier to withdraw items. 

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