Publishing holdings or LHRs to OCLC

Publishing holdings or LHRs to OCLC


Alma provides the opportunity to publish new or deleted bibliographic records to OCLC and local holding records to OCLC.  

Please note that the publishing to OCLC functionality is only available to full OCLC cataloging subscribers. If you use CatExpress, the feature is not available.


Ex Libris documentation:  

Communication with OCLC Support 

Open a DataSync collection with OCLC. If the library participated in the Minitex DataSync Project during the summer of 2018, please check with OCLC if you need to open a new DataSync collection.  You may be able to use the same collection ID.

If your institution catalogs under multiple OCLC symbols, open a support ticket with OCLC and ask for a Group Symbol. You will need to list all OCLC symbols in the email. Let OCLC know that you will be mapping holdings information to the 995. 

 Ask OCLC for your username and password to the OCLC FTP server. 

Coordinate with OCLC when to send a set of sample records. 

Creating a DataSync Collection using OCLC WorldShare Manager 

Log into your WorldShare account, click on the Metadata tab -> Collection Manager -> Create a Collection 

Collection type, choose Data Sync Collection, select Sync Data Type.

Property Screen accordion 

      Enter a Collection Name 

      Group, choose yes if you requested a group symbol, no if cataloging under one OCLC symbol. 

      Third-Party/Consortia Name enter PALS 

      Original Data Format will be MARC 

      Use Record Status for Processing choose Yes 

      Description enter: Please set up a collection to bypass OCN matching, allow for record deletion.  

            Bypassing OCN matching ensures that no new records are created with minimal differences between your Alma bib record and the OCLC record. Creating original  bibliographic records needs to happen in Connexion. 

Bibliographic Record Information accordion 

      Initial Estimate for Record Count, enter the approximate size of your physical collection. 

System Tab

      Provider: Ex Libris 

      System Name: Alma 

      Version: Use current month (releases change every month) 

      OCLC Number Locations: 035$a 

      Local System Number Locations: 001 

Processing Tab: 

      Limit Added Records to WorldCat Staging: No 

      Use Language of Cataloging (040$b): Yes 

      Do not enter anything in “Excluded Information for Control/Fixed and Variable Fields.” 

Local Bibliographic Data Information accordion 

      No changes needed 

MARC Record Output Information accordion 

      Enable MARC Record Delivery: No 

Contact Information accordion 

      Enter your contact information 

      Click Save 

In Alma 

Configure the OCLC FTP server connection  

Configuration -> General -> External System -> S/FTP definitions 

      Add S/FTP Connection 

      Enter a name, for example; Library symbol OCLC Publishing

      The server address will be 

      Sub-directory /xfer/metacoll/in/bib 

      Port is 22 

      Select the “is full path” button 

      Select “Ftp Server Secured” 

      Enter Username and Password provided to you by OCLC 

      Click Test FTP to make sure the FTP connection works 

      Click Save 

Map holdings record to bib record.   

Configuration -> Resources -> Record Export -> Map Holdings fields into Bib record OCLC 

      Add Row 

      Enter targetCode = 995 

      HoldingTag = 852 

      HoldingSubfield = b 

      bibTag = 995 

      bibSubfield = a 

Set up institutions OCLC symbol 

Configuration -> Resources -> Record Export -> Institution OCLC symbol 

      Add Row (if you are a multi-campus institution with separate OCLC symbols, enter every OCLC symbol) 

      Library code from 852 $b 

      Symbol = OCLC code 

      Leave the Location Code blank 

      Click Add Row 


Set up Publishing Profile 

Resources menu -> Publishing -> Publishing Profile 

      Choose Edit from the Action menu associated with “Publish bibliographic record (DataSync) to OCLC” for bib records.

      Choose "Publish your Local Holdings Records (LHRs) to OCLC" to publishing holdings records, generally used for serial holdings.

      Enter your OCLC institution symbol.

      Enter your DataSync number in Collection ID.

At this time, please leave the Publishing Parameters status inactive. Once OCLC approves the data sync project change the status to active and choose publishing mode as Baseline. The baseline job will mark all records currently in Alma. After the Baseline job runs, Alma will automatically switch the publishing mode to Incremental. 

      Scheduling at this time needs to be Not Scheduled.

      Enter an email address for notification when the job completes.

      FTP configuration, from the drop-down, select the FTP integration configured earlier.

      Leave sub-directory blank 


Submitting a sample file to OCLC

Submit a sample set of records to OCLC. Create a set of about 30 records that has a mixture of physical type materials. OCLC will review the sample file and will contact you once regular publishing can start.  

Save the set of bibliographic records. 

Run the job “Bib OCLC Republish Set of Titles.”  

The set of records will publish out to the OCLC server. 

Updating management tags

Create a set of records that have currently have a management tag = don’t publish. Any records with a management tag ‘don’t publish’ will publish to OCLC as deleted (LDR 5.1 d). 

      Advanced search physical titles search 

      Permanent physical location equals choose all location, except for Borrowing Requests PLUS 

      Tag Sync External Catalog = Don’t Publish 

      Save the set 

      Admin -> Run a job -> Synchronize Bib records with external catalog 

      Choose Publish Bibliographic records 

      Run the job. The job will flip records from Don’t Publish to Publish. 

Switching Publishing Profile to run the Baseline job 

Once OCLC approved the data sync project, change the schedule to once a day at 5 AM or once a week on Saturday. (The Baseline job will run the next time the schedule indicates). The Baseline job will mark all records as “present” in Alma. After the Baseline job runs, Alma will automatically switch the publishing mode to incremental. 

Please note OCLC prefers when publishing LHRs to set publishing to once a week.

      Resources menu -> Publishing -> Publishing Profile 

      Choose Edit from the Action menu associated with “Publish bibliographic record (DataSync) to OCLC” or from “Publish your Local Holdings Records (LHRs) to OCLC.” 

      Select Publishing Mode to Baseline and the Status to Active. 

      Click Save. 

Anytime a holding or a bibliographic record is added to Alma, the publishing profile pushes the record to OCLC according to the schedule in the publishing profile.   

If you kept your holdings up-to-date with OCLC, it might not be necessary to run the Republish Set of Titles jobs. Please seek the advice of your OCLC Data Sync Specialist. 

Setting up Import Profiles to mark records to publish. 

Set Management Tag tab of the import profile.

Switch Synchronize with OCLC from Don’t Publish to Publish bibliographic records. The condition “Only for new Records” switches the management tab only for new bibliographic records. Changing the setting to ‘Unconditionally’ will set the management tag regardless of whether the bib record is new or overlaid.  

Note about publishing LHRs

Publishing local holding records requires the presence of at least the 866 in the Alma holding record. Alma updates the holding records based on the item record. In the item record, under the ENUM/CHRON tab, the Pattern type and Linking Number need to be populated. 
Please see Ex Libris Extended training for Serials -> Serials - Automation tasks for summary holdings.pptx






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