Alma defines local fields as 09x, 59x, 69x, 77x, 78x, and per MnPALS policy 950 - 999. You may not make any changes to the LDR or Network Zone MARC fields. To update or add local fields, please use the 'NZ Add Local Fields' normalization rule. The normalization rule is available to copy into the Institution Zone for your use. The normalization rule includes the basics, adjust for your needs.
To localize the normalization rule
Resources -> Open Metadata Editor -> click on rules tab.
Click to highlight the Normalization tab -> click on Shared to expand.
Right-click on the rule 'NZ Add Local Fields' choose duplicate -> click into the name and description field to change name and description.
Select the Shared button.
Click Save.
To add a field
The Normalization rule opens in the Metadata Editor window, make changes to the values.
Change the MARC tag.
.a refers to the subfield 'a.',
'Example' refers to the value in the subfield 'a' of the MARC field.
Use the lines associated with subfields b and c, if adding additional subfields. Delete the subfield lines if you will not be entering any subfield values.
Change the MARC field to match in the line, addSubField "590.9.local if (exists "590.a.Example"). The line is necessary to ensure the field is correctly added to the Institution Zone with a subfield 9.
Test the normalization rule
Before changing a set of records it is always a good idea to test the rule.
Retrieve one bibliographic record to test the norm rule.
Click to open the record in the Metadata Editor.
Click on the split-screen icon.
Click on the Rules tab. Click on Normalization and shared folders.
Click on the rule. The rule will open on the right screen, choose Preview to see if the normalization rule changes the record as anticipated.
Choose Back to normalization rules and continue to tweak the rule. Once the rule performs correctly, remember to click save.
To delete a field
Copy the 'NZ Delete MARC Field' normalization rule from the Network Zone to the Institution Zone. Remember only to delete local MARC (09x, 59x, 69x, 77x, 78x, 950-999) fields from bibliographic records.
Change the MARC field, subfield, and values to fit your purposes.
Test the normalization rule
Before changing a set of records it is always a good idea to test the rule.
Retrieve one bibliographic record to test the norm rule.
Click to open the record in the Metadata Editor.
Click on the split-screen icon.
Click on the Rules tab. Click on Normalization and shared folders.
Click on the rule. The rule will open on the right screen, choose Preview to see if the normalization rule changes the record as anticipated.
Choose Back to normalization rules and continue to tweak the rule. Once the rule performs correctly, remember to click save.
Adding the Normalization as a process
It is necessary to add the rule as a process before using the rule on a set of records.
Configuration -> Resources -> Cataloging -> Metadata Configuration -> MARC21 Bibliographic -> Normalization Processes tab -> Add Process -> Give the process a name and description. The name will become the title of the job that runs the normalization rule.
Click Next -> Add Tasks -> choose MarcDroolNormalization -> Add and Close -> Next -> Choose norm rule from the drop down -> Save.
Note: if the norm rule does not appear in the drop, the metadata editor option for new records and rules is set to the Network Zone.
To change the option, open the Metadata Editor -> File -> Options -> Select local for placement of new records and templates, as well as placement of new rules.
Create a set of records and save the set
It is recommended to itemize the set before making any changes.
To run the normalization rule
Admin -> Run a job -> Find job by the title of the process -> Select the set -> double check to ensure the correct norm rule appears in the Drools File Key dropdown -> Click next.