Model | File type |
Audio | mp3, wav |
Binary - Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Text files. Please note that no thumbnails will be generate and the documents cannot be full-text-searched. | txt, rtf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, odf, odg, odp, ods, fodt, fods, fodp, fodg, tiff, jp2 |
Compound Object - select for titles when multiple objects are associated with the title. For example, a title that includes several documents of the same or different type. For example, a picture and pdf file. | |
Digital Document - used when uploading PDFs. | pdf |
Image | tiff, jp2, jpg, png |
Newspaper - main Newspaper Title | |
Publication Issue - use for issue (child level) of Newspaper. For individual pages use Model Page. | |
Paged Content - use for multi-page objects, such as books | tiff, jp2 |
Page - select for individual pages related to model Paged Content or Publication Issue | tiff, jp2 |