Lending Slip added from "Ship" and "Shipped Physically" request
The "Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter" was edited in the network zone so delivery codes, request information and the format of the slip is the same as the lending slip produced before a request is "Shipped". This allows a library to print a lending slip when shipping a request or after a request has been shipped.
The "Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter" is the letter available:
- When a library "Ships" a request and the checkbox "Automatically print slip" is "Yes"
- On a "Shipped Physically" request using "Print Slip"
The "Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter" must be enabled in your institution.
Enable the "Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter"
To have the option to use the revised "Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter", the slip must be enabled at your institution.
1. ) Click on "Alma Configuration"
2.) "Configuring" at the institution level
3.) Click on "General"
4. ) Under "Letters" click on "Letters Configuration"
Location of Letters configuration
5.) Search for "Resource Sharing Shipping" slip letter
Search for Resource Sharing Shipping Slip letter
6.) Enable the letter
7.) Click on "Save"
Letter enabled
How to Print
Shipping a request
The "Resource Sharing Shipping" slip is enabled.
When "Shipping" a request and the "Automatically print slip" is set to "Yes"
Ship with "Automatically print slip" selected
The slip produced is similar in format and content to the current lending slip.
Lending slip
"Print Slip" on a Shipped request
"Print Slip" may be used to print a slip after a request has been "Shipped".
"Print Slip"The "Print Slip" produces this slip
Lending slip after the request is Shipped
The customization of the "Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter" allows libraries more options for printing lending slips.