Importing Bibliographic Records with Local Fields the Network Zone

Importing Bibliographic Records with Local Fields the Network Zone

Importing Alma local fields, using a Network Zone import profile. If importing a bibliographic record, which includes an Alma local field (09x, 59x, 69x, 77x, or 78x), import the record to the Network Zone directly. No need to import the bibliographic record to the Institution Zone first.  

Configuring the Network Zone import profile to accept local fields 

From the Resources menu, choose “Manage Import Profiles.”  
From the list, find the Network Zone import profile to update. 
Using the ellipses (action menu), choose “Edit.” 
On the Normalization & Validation tab, choose yes to Import Local Extensions. 
Click Save. 

In OCLC Connexion 

Enter the local MARC field into the bibliographic record. For example: 
590__$$a Great book to read.  

In OCLC CatExpress 

CatExpress users can enter a local call number and data into a 590 field. 

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