Policy and Procedure Statement on Interlibrary Loan by MnPALS Libraries

Policy and Procedure Statement on Interlibrary Loan by
MnPALS Libraries

October 27, 2017
This statement is based on the collective experience of staff from MnPALS libraries and
Minitex, and on the following documents:

 Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States (1994, revised 2001 and 2008)

 Minitex Criteria for Participation (approved September 7, 2007)

 Policy Recommendations of the Minitex/MnLINK Interlibrary Loan Committee (1999,
revised 2002)

 Guidelines for Developing an Interlibrary Loan Partner List : MnLINK ILL
Subcommittee Report (2003)

1. MnPALS libraries and Minitex will use Aleph interlibrary loan software to exchange requests with one another.

2. MnPALS libraries may share materials directly with one another if the libraries concerned have established reciprocal borrowing arrangements and use the Minitex 
delivery system or other mutually acceptable delivery methods.

1. MnPALS libraries that participate in direct borrowing will send requests for monographs and audiovisual materials to one another. (They may make exceptions when other libraries or Minitex can provide the fastest service.) When materials are not available at other direct borrowing libraries, they may send requests to MNU or MII, as appropriate.
2. MnPALS libraries that participate in direct borrowing will send requests for serials to MNU when materials are available at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities campus libraries. When materials are not available at these locations, MnPALS libraries may send requests directly to one another. When materials are not available at other reciprocal borrowing libraries, they may send requests to Minitex.
3. MnPALS libraries may route requests directly to non-MnPALS locations if the libraries concerned have established reciprocal borrowing arrangements and use the Minitex overnight delivery system or other mutually acceptable delivery methods.
4. When MnPALS libraries send requests to Minitex, they will include verification
 information according to established Minitex protocols.
5. Minitex will refer requests to MnPALS libraries according to established protocols.
6. MnPALS libraries will not expect reimbursement from one another or from other Minitex 
participating libraries for routine ILL costs, but may charge one another for lost and damaged items.
7. Lending libraries are encouraged to grant loan periods that are as generous as possible.
8. Due dates should reflect the day that an item is due back at the borrowing library without any time removed from the loan period to account for shipping time to the lending library.
9. MnPALS libraries are encouraged to grant renewal request unless a local user has requested the material or renewal will conflict with local policy.
10. Lending libraries should respond to renewal request in a timely manner. Until a response is provided, the borrowing library may retain the materials.
11. MnPALS libraries should ensure the confidentiality of library patrons.
12. Procedural problems with implementation of this statement should be resolved by the libraries concerned.
13. MnPALS libraries will make every reasonable effort to secure and preserve interlibrary
 loan sharing rights when acquiring materials for their collections, including but not limited to digital resources.
14. MnPALS libraries will use the provisions of the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States (1994, revised 2001, 2008, and 2016) to resolve problems not covered by this statement or by established Minitex policies.
15. The MnPALS ILL User Group will review and revise this statement as necessary.

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