Add a Bepress Repository to Alma for discovery in Primo, using an import profile to check for and load new records to Alma from the repository periodically.
Create Remote Repository
Configuration -> Resources -> Import Records -> Remote Digital Repositories
From the Remote Repository Name listing, choose the format applicable for the repository. For Beepress that is Digital Commons OAI DC format
From the ellipses, choose edit.
General information tab:
Enter the OAI Base URL. Next, choose the 'Connect and Edit' button to add the Metadata Prefix.
Transformer Rules tab:
Unselect Linking Parameter 1 by choosing edit from the ellipses associated with the Linking Parameter 1 line and unselecting 'Add Source Field' and 'Add Source Field Validation.'
Click 'Save in List.'
Click on add rule, fill in the form:
Representation Number = 1
Source Field
Field Name = header:identifier
Extract value by Order
Field order = 1
Source Field Normalization and Validation
Select Add Source Field Normalization
Normalization Type = Regular Expression
Normalization Pattern = (.*):(.*):(.*)-(.*)
Normalization Group = 3
Target Field
Target Field = Linking Parameter 2
Click on 'Save in List'
Delivery tab
Enter the Repository Name to display in Primo.
Object Template = $$LinkingParameter1
Click Save and Test
Choose to Test a First or a Random Record. The test should open a form filled in with a Passed status and a delivery link linking to the resource.
Create a Digital Collection
Resources -> Manage Inventory -> Manage Collections -> Add Top Level Collection
Bibliographic Record Information
Record Format = Dublin Core
Enter a title for the Collection (That title will appear in Alma's bibliographic records, 245 (title) MARC field.
General Information
Enter the Name of the Repository.
Select the library.
Enter information in the other fields if you wish. It is not required. The record format field needs to remain as Dublin Core.
Click Save.
Creating and Using the Normalization Rule
Bepress - the complete date and time stamp will transfer from the repository to Alma/Primo. To display a readable date, use this XML norm rule:
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>
<!-- Simon - 2021/11/12 - Remove time from dc:date -->
<xsl:template match="//dc:date">
<xsl:element name="dc:date">
<xsl:variable name="oldText" select="text()"/>
<xsl:variable name="newText" select="substring-before($oldText, 'T')"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$newText"/>
Implementing the rule
Resource -> Open Metadata Editor -> Rules -> Normalization.
New -> Normalization -> enter a name and description, select XSL and the shared buttons.
Click Save.
Copy XML rule, and paste into the window, click Save.
Adding the Normalization Rule to a Process
Before using a normalization rule, the rule needs to be added as a process in Alma.
Configuration -> Resources -> Cataloging -> Metadata Configuration -> Qualified Dublin Core.
Normalization Processes tab -> Add Process -> Enter a Name and short Description -> Next.
Add Tasks -> Select DcDroolNormalization -> Next.
From the dropdown, select the Normalization rule.
Click Save.
Add Local Resource Type
The Resource Type will likely be Other. If you want to assign a different Resource Type, create a local Resource Type in Alma.
Configuration -> Discovery -> Display Configuration -> Local Resource Types
Add local Resource Type
Enter a code, select the Active button.
Enter the Singular and Plural display label.
Select RIS type, a Metadata format, and a Genre.
Add a condition in the section Mapping from Dublin Core.
In the 'Dublin Core tag' box, find the Dublin Core field to pull the Resource Type label, for example, dc:type.
Enter the Value of the Dublin Core field and click Add Condition.
Click Add Condition again to add multiple values, separated by boolean operators' and' or 'or.'
Create Import Profile
Resources -> Import -> Manage Import Profiles -> Add a New Profile
Choose Digital as the profile type -> Next.
Profile Details
Un-select the Network Zone button and select the Remote button.
Enter a Profile Name.
In the field 'Remote digital repository instance,' enter the format of the repository, for Bepress that is Digital Commons OAI DC Format.
Import Protocol = OAI
Source format = OAI DC Format
Status = Active
Enrich with setSpec = No
Target format = Dublin Core
Leave the scheduler status as inactive for initial set-up until after the first complete harvest. Switch to Active and select a regular harvest time once testing and set-up are complete.
OAI Details
The OAI Base URL field will be populated from the Remote Repository configuration.
Click on Connect and Edit
For initial testing, choose a smaller set from the Set field dropdown. Change the Harvest Start Date to a recent date. The first Import should be on a small set of records.
Click on Open Test Page and test a random record. Once the test records open, you should see the metadata from the repository record, with a status of passed and a delivery link.
Click Next.
In the 'Correct the data using' field, choose the previously created XSL Normalization Rule.
Click Next.
Match Method = dc:identifier
Handling method = Automatic
Upon match = Overlay
Upon no match = Import
Click Next
No changes are necessary unless you want to suppress the repository records.
Click Next
Default Collection = Select the collection title from the dropdown.
Select the active button and library.
Click Save
Running the Import Profile
The first time running the import profile is a test. Either harvest only a smaller set of records or change the harvest date in the import profile to a recent date.
Check the several records in Primo to ensure that the links to the repository resource retrieve the resource.
Once the import profile works as anticipated, change the harvest date in the import profile to the earliest date a resource was ingested to the repository.
To change the import profile, retrieve the import profile (Resources menu -> Import -> Manage Import Profiles). Under the Profile Details tab -> OAI Details -> choose all Sets and change the Harvest Start Date using the calendar, to the -> Click Save.
From the ellipses from the import profile, choose run.
The last step is to change the Scheduler status to Active and choose a harvest time via the Scheduler. In addition, add an email notification in the import profile.