"Ghost" Records in Primo

"Ghost" Records in Primo

What are "Ghost" Records in Primo?

Primo "ghost" records appear when a record is found in a Primo Search , but the associated record no longer exists in the Alma. Although the record is no longer in Alma, the Primo indexing still contains placeholders for the record. Before the ghost records were shown, there was a System Error that was shown in Primo when this occurred. Ideally, the ghost records would not appear, but according to Ex Libris, they are a mechanism to allow the search to fail more gracefully and to recover. Since the index is updated if a ghost record is shown, the Primo index is automatically corrected. In this way, the system fixes itself in the uncommon event that the index and database are not synced.

If for any reason you are seeing Ghost records for the same search over an extended period of time (more than a couple of days), please report this to the PALS Office, and we will ask Ex Libris to help us make sure the records are properly removed from the system.
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