FY wrap-up: POLs in Sent status
At your FY mid-point or end, you may find it useful to check your open POLs from this year in the Sent status.
Basic Steps
- If you or the vendor canceled the order, cancel the POL(s).
- If you received the item for a physical order, make sure to receive it from the Acquisitions Workbench.
- You might also check to see if you received the item by creating a different item. If that happened, reconcile the two inventory items down to one.
- If you activated the resource for an electronic order, make sure to activate it and mark it "Done" from the Electronic Resource Activation Task List.
- You might also check to see if you activated the title by creating a second portfolio or collection. If that happened, reconcile the two inventory items down to one.
- If you did receive it from the Workbench or activate it from the Task List, and the POL(s) remains stuck in "Sent," submit a new PALS Support Center Incident for the POL.
Which POLs have this status?
You can identify these POLs with the CC-Open_POLs_not_related_to_renewals report in Analytics under:
/Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Consortia/MNPALS/Acquisitions.
Please copy the report to your individual Analytics folder or one of your institutional department's shared folders. Then, you can make modifications to the report. Do not make changes to the report in the shared folder.
What will I see in this report?
Here are some notes about this report:
- This report includes all open POL statuses not related to the renewal workflow.
- You may see multiple fiscal periods associated with a POL if it is a subscription. This information comes from how you handle the POL's renewal process.
- The POL statuses are the status from dinnertime the day before you review it.
What do I need to do to work with POLs from the previous FYs?
For POLs from previous FYs, you might need to:
- Activate that fiscal period in the Fund and Ledger Fiscal Period table of Configuration > Acquisitions if needed.
- Activate the appropriate ledgers and funds for that fiscal period if needed.
- Extend the encumbrance's grace days as needed for the necessary funds (and ledger, if desired) to add the fund to a POL's funding information.
- Remember, funds inherit the ledger's grace days settings if you have not customized them. Once you customize a fund, it will use its settings.
- Extend the expenditure's grace days as needed for the necessary funds (and ledger, if desired) to add the fund to the invoice line.
- Remember, funds inherit the ledger's grace days settings if you have not customized them. Once you customize a fund, it will use its settings.
- When done, reset the fiscal period, ledgers, and funds to not active. You can also reset the grace days.
What if I have questions or need help?
If you have questions about cleaning up these lines, you can create a PALS Support Center ticket.
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