Fixing obsolete Aleph locations in Alma
During our migration from Aleph to Alma some obsolete Aleph locations were migrated, these need to be updated with the correct location or deleted from Alma. Often the location names are "ILL or Error."
Retrieving Location
Physical Titles Search -> Permanent Physical Location = Error
Physical Titles Search -> Permanent Physical Location = ILL
The ILL location from Aleph contain old ILL requests, the items and location can be deleted from Alma.
Change holding record
Changing locations one-at-a-time
Click on Physical -> Holdings -> from ellipses choose Edit -> click into the 852 MARC field and change the subfield c to the correct location.
Note; after clicking into the 852, Ctrl F opens the holding record editor.
Click Save
Making bulk changes to locations
Conduct the search ->
Save Query -> fill in Set name -> Save.
Admin -> Run a Job -> Change Physical Item Job -> find and select the set -> Next.
Choose the box “Permanent location” -> From the dropdown, choose the new permanent location library -> Next -> Submit -> Confirm.
Deleting a location
Please delete all associate inventory with the location before deleting the location.
Configuration -> Choose a library from the dropdown in Configuring -> Fulfillment -> Locations -> Physical Locations -> from the ellipses next to the location choose delete.
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