Finding walk in patrons

Finding walk in patrons

Finding Walk-in patrons

Step by Step:

  1. Navigate to Manage Patron Services
  2. Click the checkbox to Find user in other institution
  3. Select walk-in's home Institution
  4. Scan or input unique identifier
    1. This is the patron's barcode or another local identifiers for example you can use the StarID for Minnesota State Schools
    2. If not the identifier is not unique, the patron's account will not be found at the partner institution. Library staff will instead treat patron as a new community member. This account will not be tied to the walk-in patron's home institution.
  5. Save
  6. Loan item/s per normal

Points to keep in mind:

  1. To have the most up to date information, always find a walk-in patron via the find user at other institution feature, this ensures the patron's information is updated for returning walk-ins. 
    1. Real time linking for fulfillment network accounts is on the roadmap for 2025.
  2. When patrons loan item using the fulfillment network, the owning institution controls the loan and any applicable notifications.
  3. Identifiers are not included in the shared data.
  4. See Walk In Patrons (login required) for a list of institutions participating in the MnPALS fulfillment network.

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