Alma Exporting Bibliographic Records

Exporting Bibliographic Records

Instructions on creating a set of bibliographic record for export.

1. Create a set of records

Search Alma using a All Titles or Physical Titles search to retrieve the bibliographic records to export.
Click on Save and Filter the Query.
Enter a set name.
Click Save

2. Exporting records

Admin -> Run a Job -> Find and select the Export Bibliographic Records Job.
Click next.
Select your Set.
For Physical Format choose Binary.
In the Expand routine choose Add Holdings Information, if desired.
Click next.

3. Downloading the file

Find the job under the History Tab (Admin -> Monitor Jobs -> History tab)
From the job's ellipses choose the report.
Click on the link to exported records.
From the ellipses of the .mrc file choose download.


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