Creating an item file in Analytics

Creating an item file in Analytics

Creating an item file in Analytics to export as an excel or move the item file to Alma to create a set.

1. Analytics

  1. Open Analytics.
  2. Choose Design Analytics.
  3. From the Create menu option choose Analysis.
  4. Select Physical Items in the Select Subject Area.
  5. From the Subject Area on the right select fields for the report.
Recommendation to include one or more identifiers, such as:
Physical Item Id
  1. In order to exclude deleted items include Lifecyle filtered by Active.
  2. Click over to the Results tab to see results and download the report.
  3. Click the Export button to export the Analysis, choosing the format.

2. Creating a set in Alma from Analytics

Save the report in Analytics
  1. Click on the Save As icon (right hand corner of the screen)
  2. Save the report to your institution folder.
In Alma
  1. From the Admin menu choose Manage Sets.
  2. Choose Add Set, selecting Itemized from the dropdown.
  3. Enter a set title.
Set the Content Type.
      The Content Type, "All Titles" needs to include one of the following identifiers:
            MMS ID, ISSN, ISBN, OCLC# or 035 field
      The Content Type, "Physical Items" 
            Item ID or Barcode
      The Content Type, "Physical Titles"
            PID, ISSN, ISBN, OCLC# or 035 field

  1. From the Add Content from File to Set section choose from Analytics.
  2. From the File field navigate to the folder in Analytics.
  3. Clicking Save will start a job to populate the records to the set.
  4. Retrieve the set via the Manage Sets area.


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