Match Actions – Handling method, choose automatic, and upon match select to either merge or overlay the incoming record with the Alma record.
Merge/Overlay Methods – choose the appropriate merge/overlay method.
Overlay all fields but local – replaces 035 in the Alma record, unless the first indicator is nine and the second indicator is blank, overlays all fields except 001 and 9XX fields.
Conditional Subject headings – replaces all MARC fields in Alma from the external record, except 001, 035, 65x, 7xx, and 9xx. Alma leaves those fields in place. 6xx and 7xx fields from the external record are added to the Alma record.
Keep only old value – Keeps all MARC fields in the Alma record.
Replaces 245 and 035 if exist – replaces all fields in Alma except for 001, 245, and 035 (where the subfield “a” contains (OCoLC) or where the first indicator is 9), 245 and 035 fields are added from the external record to the Alma record.
Automatic Multi-Match Handling
Disregard matches for bibliographic CZ linked records. Ignore matches with Community Zone records.
Disregard invalid/canceled system control number identifiers. The option disregards matching OCLC numbers in the 019/035$$z.
Prefer records with the same inventory type. Selection considers the inventory type.
Select skip and do not import unresolved records
Merge Records and Combine Inventory for Multi-Match
Merge and Combine choose manually. The preferred record is the record with the most items. Generally, delete the secondary record. The merge method for multi-matches should be the same as above. Select the update holdings call number box.
Electronic Mapping
Portfolio type – use Standalone if you are loading individual electronic titles. If loading a set of records from one collection, choose Part of an Electronic Collection.
To create an Electronic Collections, from the Resource menu -> Create Inventory -> Add Local Electronic Collection. Create the local electronic collection first to use in the import profile.
Consider if importing one portfolio or multiple portfolios.
Determine the material type, enter the electronic collection name.
Extract access URL field. Generally, the URL is in MARC field 856. If you are getting a file from a vendor, check the file for the URL placement. Enter the subfield of the URL; usually, it is subfield ‘u.’ Enter field and subfield values as needed for notes.
It is essential to select the “Activate” resource when loading new records at the bottom of the page.
Physical mapping
Choose basic mapping policy.
At the minimum, enter barcode field 949 subfield b
Material type is hardcoded
Library field 949 subfield d
Location field 949 subfield e
Enter default library
Number of items field 949 subfield f
Item policy field 949 subfield c
Note that Alma bases circulation on location; therefore, it is only necessary to enter an item policy if it deviates from the circulation policy set in the Fulfillment Unit.
Choose update holdings to pull in the call number from the bibliographic record to the holding record.
Advance – gives options to map temporary location, serial information, and item notes.
Mixed – requires entering resource type in a pre-defined MARC field
EOD General Parameters choose multiple vendors. In the vendor field enter 992, enter “a” into the subfield. In the incoming OCLC record enter the vendor name into the 992 subfield a, for the call number to update in Alma, this value is necessary.
Matching Points – enter 982 into the Additional PO Line reference field, into the subfield enter a.