Combining duplicate bibliographic records in the NZ

Combining duplicate bibliographic records in the NZ

Occasionally, you will notice two bibliography records in the Network Zone with the same OCLC number. You can combine the two records in the NZ.
  1. Retrieve both records in the NZ using an All Titles search -> OCLC Control Number (035a).
  2. Select both bibliography records and click Push Selected to MDE.

      3. Click the Show MDE button in the lower left corner, and the Metadata Editor opens.
      4. In the left column, ensure that the Records tab is active and that the MARC21 Bib tab is selected.
      5. Click on the first title.
      6. Click on the split-screen icon.
      7. Click on the second title.

      8. Once both titles display on the split screen, from the Record Actions menu, choose Merge & Combine.

      9. In the Choose merge routine drop-down, select "MnPALS Overaly all but Local" and click ok.

Now all holdings are combined onto one bibliography record.

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