Calendar Management - Updates

Calendar Management - Updates

Changes to your calendar require a Fulfillment Administrator role, scoped to the library, or a General Services Administrator role
The best method to update your calendar in Alma depends on the amount of updates you need to make, if you are just changing one item, for example the date on an end of term event, it's easiest to navigate to the calendar and make the one change. However, if you have several items that you need to update, I recommend instead updating the calendar with an excel import.

Calendar Levels


Dates & Events that affect all libraries. It's recommended that holiday closures are managed here. 

Library Level

Use for standard opening hours and exceptions to your standard opening hours.

Types of Calendar Records


Informational in purpose, do not indicate if the library is closed or open. Use for fixed due dates like End of Term/Semester. 

Standard Opening Hours

Configured for each day of the week, these are the regular hours when the library is open or closed. Alma uses these to set due dates. 


A change to your standard opening hours, indicating if your library is open or closed for the change. Examples: Extending hours during finals week, Closure for a holiday.  
When adding or editing an exception, if the day of the week field is filled out, if the dates on the Valid from and Valid to fields are not the same, it will result in an error. 

Library Level Update
Step by Step to update your calendar (library level):
  1. Navigate to the opening hours for the library
    Fulfillment > Advanced Tools > Opening Hours 
    1. Your location should be library's circ desk
    2. Alternative Nav Path: Alma Configuration @ Library Level > Fulfillment > Library Management > Opening Hours
  2. Use the ellipsis to select Edit for the applicable event
  3. Make your changes, and hit Save
  4. Do for all events you are updating
  5. Click on the Apply Changes Job
  6. You should see a flag indicating that your request to apply calendar changes has been submitted

Institution Level Update

Step by Step to update your calendar
  1. Navigate to the opening hours for the institution
    Alma Configuration @ Institutional level > Fulfillment >Library Management > Opening Hours 
  2. Use the ellipsis to select Edit for the applicable event
  3. Make your changes, and hit Save
  4. Do for all events you are updating
  5. Click on the Apply Changes Job
  6. You should see a flag indicating that your request to apply calendar changes has been submitted

Updating with Excel

Step by Step updating your calendar with excel import: Ex Libris video of process 
  1. Navigate to the opening hours for the institution or library level
    Alma Configuration @ Institutional/Library level > Fulfillment >Library Management > Opening Hours 
  2. Click on the Export list icon and select Excel
  3. Open the downloaded file
  4. Make your updates
  5. Save file
  6. Click on Import
  7. Navigate to select the saved file
  8. Click on update and import rows
  9. Click on the Apply Changes Job
  10. You should see a flag indicating that your request to apply calendar changes has been submitted

Verify Changes

The easiest way to check that your calendar has been updated correctly review the full calendar while in the Opening Hours/Calendar Management page.

If you want to check your hours while not in the Opening Hours/Calendar Management page use the organization calendar widget on your homepage.

Using Calendar Widget

  1. Make sure you are reviewing the correct library.
  2. Select View Full Calendar
  3. Review Full Calendar for changes
Screenshot of Org Calendar Widget highlighting view full calendar with yellow arrow (A).Screenshot of the Org Calendar Widget with view full calendar highlighted by yellow arrow (A).

If you do not have the calendar widget, you can add it from the home page.

Adding the calendar widget:

  1. Click on the Plus Icon in upper right of home page
  2. Select the checkbox for the calendar widget
  3. Close the pop-up
  4. Widget should now display on your home page

Screenshot of homepage and manage widgets pop-up with directional steps indicated by yellow arrows (A-C).Screenshot of homepage and manage widgets pop-up with directional steps indicated by yellow arrows (A-C).

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