Bulk Change Due Date

Bulk Change Due Date

Managing due dates for loaned items in mass

Unfortunately, there isn't a super easy way to only extend loans for a set of identified items. There is an idea exchange idea looking for support that would allow this option, so add your support if this is something you'd like. 

As things stand right now, you instead use the bulk change due date function. Loans to be updated can be limited by adding the library, location, material type, user group and original due date/time. Loans to be extended should be linked in some manner, ie the same material type, at the same location, and/or the original due date. If your items do not meet these parameters, I suggest manually renewing these items. 
Please be aware it will update all applicable loans with the specified parameters and the job does not extend due dates for patrons who are expired.

Step by Step:

Using the bulk change due date job.
  1. Navigate to the Bulk Change Due Dates Job
  2. Fulfillment > Advanced Tools - Loans > Bulk Change Due Dates
  3. Select the applicable parameters
    1. Library: 
    2. Location : 
    3. Material Type: 
    4. User Group: 
    5. From Due Date & time: 
    6. To Due Date & time: 
  4. Set the new due date & time: 
  5. Click on the button Change Bulk Due Date
  6. Review the job results once the job has finished running.
To update loans in mass for expiring or expired patrons, the expiry date needs to be extended for the patrons before you can use the bulk change due date job to change the due date.

For more details check out the Ex Libris Knowledge Center documentation:  Changing Loan Due Dates in Bulk 

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