Create a local electronic collection
Resources -> Create Inventory -> Add Local Electronic Collection
Add a Public Name, for example, Course Reserve Texts.
Collection type is Selective Package, and if providing Full-Text access, choose Full Text in Service Type.
Save and continue.
Choose the Activation tab -> Service activation status = Available.
Enter Active from date = today and if applicable an Active until date.
Linking tab -> select if the service is not free or free and if you want to enable Proxy.
Adding a Portfolio to a bibliographic record
Retrieve the bibliographic record and open the record in the Metadata Editor to edit.
Click on Add Inventory, choose Add Portfolio.
Keep “use the option existing title” selected.
Scroll to the General Information section and select the “Part of an electronic collection” button.
Search for the Local Electronic Collection created in step 1.
Further, scroll down to the Inventory and Linking Information section, enter the URL, enable Proxy if needed, and be sure to toggle the Availability status to Active, select an electronic material type.
Save and Done
Save the bibliographic record.
Managing electronic access as a standalone title
Adding Portfolio to a bibliographic record
Retrieve the bibliographic record and open the record in the Metadata Editor to edit.
Click on Add Inventory, choose Add Portfolio.
Keep “use the existing title” selected.
Scroll down to the Inventory and Linking Information section, enter the URL, enable Proxy if need and be sure to toggle the Availability status to Active. Select an electronic material type.
Save and Done
Save the bibliographic record.