Circulation and ILL
MnPALS Interlibrary Loan Policy Revised in 2024
The MnPALS Interlibrary Loan Policy was revised and approved in 2024. This is a link to the policy 2024-10-08 Policy and Procedure Statement on Interlibrary Loan by MnPALS Libraries (1)
Ready to be Sent
Borrowing Request Ready to be Sent A borrowing request with the status of Ready to be Sent has not been sent to the lending library. When a request is at a lending library the request status is Request sent to Partner or Will Supply. Ready to be sent ...
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Resources
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Resources General Information MnPALS libraries use Alma interlibrary loan to exchange requests. MnPALS libraries with USPS/UPS delivery request and fill requests for Minitex. Minitex requests from other libraries for USPS/UPS ...
Facet Customization
Facet Customization Facets Overview A facet is a category that groups like requests based on Partner, Status, Creation Date, Update Date and more categories. Borrowing and lending requests have similar facets. Facets can be customized for borrowing ...
Lending Library Renew Yes or Renew No Returnable Request
Introduction A patron or borrowing library staff can request a renewal on a lending request. The lending library staff decide if the renewal is accepted by doing a Renew Yes with a new due date or if the renewal request is denied by doing a Renew No. ...
Rota and Rota Assignment Rule
What is a rota A rota is a list of potential libraries that are searched to determine if a title is owned and available at that library. A rota should take into account how the request will be delivered. MnPALS libraries with courier delivery for ...
Minitex ILL Policy Database
The Minitex has an ILL Policy Database that allows libraries to share information about their collections, policies and contact information, The database can be found here ILL Policy Database | Minitex ( If you need assistance adding or ...
ILL Renew Borrowing and Lending Policy
Introduction When a borrowing request has been loaned to the patron, the patron may be allowed to request a renewal. The borrowing library controls if the patron has the option to renew an ILL request and can set a maximum renewal period. The lending ...
Lending Reject (Unfill) a request
Lending Reject a Request When a lending library can't supply an item or copy request to a borrowing library, the lending library staff will "Reject" the request. How to Reject a request Display the lending request that you can't supply. Click on ...
Lending Ship Returnable Request
Lending library Ship a Returnable Request When a request is sent to a lending library, the lending locate process attempts to find a matching record. When an available item is found, the request status updates to "Being Processed." When the lending ...
Lending "Print Slip" lending Routing slip
Lending Routing Slip The lending slip can be used to retrieve a physical item from the shelves and for delivery. To help with delivery the borrowing and lending libraries delivery location code is on the slip. When putting the item in the delivery ...
Lending Library Check-in item to complete a request
Lending library complete request When an item is returned to a lending library, the library completes the request by doing a "Scan in Items" or "Check-in" from a specific request. This completes the request for borrowing and lending libraries. If a ...
Borrowing Return an ILL request
Borrowing Library Return an item After a patron brings back their interlibrary loan back to the library, staff will need to Return the item to the lending library. Item Loaned to the patron When the patron brings the item back, staff can use ...
Borrowing Request Receive a Returnable
Borrowing Request Receive a Returnable-Item at your library When an item has been delivered to your library the next step is to Receive the item. The Receive can be done from the specific request or using the bulk Receive form. Physical items like ...
Borrowing Library Staff Create a Request
Introduction Library staff can create a physical request for a patron by searching the network zone or by entering a request using a blank request form. Returnable Request-Search the network zone Staff can search the network zone for a bibliographic ...
Adding electronic item to course reserves
Add electronic item to course Reserves Repository Citation Items physical and electronic that live in your institution's catalog. Step by Step Navigate to the correct reading list Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Reading Lists OR use the Reading List ...
Alma Borrowing Request Staff Create a Returnable Request for a patron
Staff Create a Returnable Request Create a Returnable request using the blank request form Staff can create a returnable request for a patron using a blank form. From "Fulfillment" select "Borrowing Requests" Then click on "Create Request" Then click ...
Calendar Management - Updates
Changes to your calendar require a Fulfillment Administrator role, scoped to the library, or a General Services Administrator role The best method to update your calendar in Alma depends on the amount of updates you need to make, if you are just ...
Finding walk in patrons
Finding Walk-in patrons Step by Step: Navigate to Manage Patron Services Click the checkbox to Find user in other institution Select walk-in's home Institution Scan or input unique identifier This is the patron's barcode or another local identifiers ...
Finding an item's loan history
From the Item: To view an item's loan history: Locate the physical item using the physical item search Click on the hyperlinked barcode or Select the Edit item button to go to the physical item editor Select the history tab Update the report type to ...
Unable to change due date
Double check your library's standard opening hours. In the example above you can see the Thursday Standard Opening Hours, indicated by red enclosing box, were valid to 9/12/2022, which means they are now expired. Loans due on a Thursday will instead ...
Alma Digital Delivery
Alma Digital Delivery Introduction Alma Digital Delivery functionality allows a library to send a digital file of an article, book chapter or other scanned material directly to a patron. The patron creates an article or book chapter digital request. ...
Chart Basic Returnable request cycle
The attached document shows the basic returnable request cycle as a chart. Click on the "Attachment" tab to view.
Text (SMS) Notices
Sending text message notifications using Alma data, requires coordinating with a texting platform and service. When implementing, I highly recommend using an opt-in model for SMS messaging, allowing patrons to agree to any associated costs. Alma ...
How to view Messages from Facet, Task Widget, Task Icon
Introduction A Message is used to communicate information between the borrowing and lending libraries. Library staff should actively look for Messages and respond to the Message as soon as possible. Library staff can access General Messages facet, ...
How to create General Message
Messages can be sent from the brief display of a request or from the details of a request. General Message from brief display- More Actions General Message 1.) Click on "More actions" (ellipsis) 2.) Select "General Message." A "General Message" box ...
Managing student worker roles
Managing Student Worker Roles Student worker access can be managed in a variety of ways, the best way for your library depends on the roles or access required and the workflow that best meets your library's needs. Missing a Fulfillment Menu? Alma's ...
Search for Lending or Borrowing requests
Search for Lending or Borrowing Requests Persistent Menu search bar Search "Lending requests" or "Borrowing requests" from the persistent Menu search bar After selecting "Lending requests" or "Borrowing requests", select a search term and enter text ...
Alma Staff roles needed for Resource Sharing
To allow staff to see resource sharing functionality you must scope “Fulfillment Services Manager” or “Fulfillment Services Operator” to the library. Resource sharing is setup under your library. This is usually the same library as the library that ...
Patron Record and Resource Sharing library
Only Institutions that have multiple libraries should have a resource sharing library in their patron record. An example of an institution, whose patrons should have a resource sharing library in their patron record is St Mary’s University. Their ...
Minitex Courtesy Return form
Minitex Courtesy Return form Minitex has a courtesy return policy. A patron can drop off books at a courier delivery library and that library will use the Minitex Courtesy Return Form to send the item back to the owning library. More information ...
Bulk Change Due Date
Managing due dates for loaned items in mass Unfortunately, there isn't a super easy way to only extend loans for a set of identified items. There is an idea exchange idea looking for support that would allow this option, so add your support if this ...
Loan Due Date beyond Patron Expiry
What is it? For expiring patrons, it's possible to configure Alma so staff can override the automatic shortening of an item's loan, allowing a due date past a patron's expiry date. This feature only works from the Patron Services page and does not ...
Updating a Patron's Account
External Account These are accounts where the patron info is managed in an external source and imported into Alma. These patrons authenticate through a system that is not Alma. On the User Details page, some of the patron's information fields will be ...
MnPALS Inventory Tool
MnPALS Inventory Tool The MnPALS Inventory Tool reviews a range of physical item barcodes and returns a report providing information about the item's status and location. Hosted at ; the tool currently supports the ...
Close your library for borrowing and lending requests
How to close your library for borrowing and lending requests Alma has functionality to allow a library to be closed for borrowing, lending, or both borrowing and lending. The staff login must have a “User Role” of “General Systems Administrator” to ...
Lending Slip or Routing Slip available - Ship
Lending Slip added from "Ship" and "Shipped Physically" request The "Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter" was edited in the network zone so delivery codes, request information and the format of the slip is the same as the lending slip produced ...
Missing Menu
I'm missing a menu from my Alma view? What's going on?? Alma displays different menu options based on roles and locations, and has the ability to customize the layout for each account. I had access to the menu previously: Review your location ...
Barcode Format
The barcode's format was set in collaboration with Minitex to uniquely identify patrons and items in our region. The barcode is a 14-digit identifier used only for these purposes and should be unique to the assigned institution. Barcode Parameters: ...